Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Organic Bunapi Mushroom Pickles

Bunapi Mushrooms

Recently, we were invited to Broadway, a restaurant in Laguna Beach, CA where I enjoyed a really good Branzino fish served with an unusual pickled mushroom. I later learned that this cute little stranger is called Bunapi {or Alba Clamshell}, and originates from Japan. I was so happy to find some organic ones at my natural food store from Hokto Kinoko, a local company, that I had to buy some and pickle them.
I just love pickles!

Mushrooms are so fascinating for me. They look like little house for the fairies. Indeed, in her book Fairies 101, Doreen Virtue says to "... celebrate when toadstools and mushrooms appear in your yard because that means the fairies have taken residence in your garden." I certainly have some mushrooms growing in mine, but none I will pickle.

The Bunapi is getting even more interesting when pulled apart, a delicate and necessary step to pickle them. They do look like a tribe or village of beings all living closely together with their elders, their families and their youngsters. I could just tell myself some stories by staring at them.
What a gift Mother Nature is giving us.

Bunapi Mushrooms Bunapi Mushrooms


7 oz (450gr) organic Bunapi mushrooms
1 pint (425 ml) of organic 5% acidity white rice vinegar
2 cloves of garlic cut in 2, germ removed
1 small shallot, cut in small sections
1 pint (425 ml) Mason jar

Bunapi Mushrooms Pickles


Carefully remove every single little mushroom from the cluster. Pack them in the jars, alternating with the shallot and garlic. Boil the white rice vinegar and fill the jar to the top, making sure it covers all the mushrooms. Close the jar and flip it upside down for 24 hours. Once a day has passed, the jars should be labeled and placed in your pantry for at least 1 month and a half before being enjoyed.

Bunapi Mushrooms Pickles

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